Virtual Fieldtrip




Organizing Educational Information

I have been writing down the useful websites in my notebook to resort to for later reference.

Informational methods include:

Delicious: is a web-based social bookmarking tool that organizes all of your bookmarks in one place.

Backflip: free web-based social bookmarking tool that keeps track of the websites you visit

Connotea: online reference management tool that creates and saves bibliographical information in correct citation formats on articles you are reading


Who : Bookshare  is free for all students with qualifying disabilities, there is access to  accessible books and periodicals for readers with print disabilities. Print disabilities include vision impairments such as blind or low vision , physical disability, or severe learning disability.

How: If you have a disability that makes it difficult or impossible to read a printed book, you most likely will qualify for Bookshare services. The organization representing the individual, will be asked to provide proof of disability during the registration process. Individuals can sign up for membership and access the library on their own. Organizations that serve individuals with print disabilities (schools, libraries, community centers, etc.) can sign up and provide access to their students or clients.

What’s available: You can browse through the Bookshare library by authors, categories, new books, NIMAC- sourced K-12 textbooks, special collections, newspapers, and magazines.

AT to support math


SETT Framework

SETT Framework worksheet

How does Clicker 5 fit into the UDL guidelines?

Clicker 5 provides multiple means for action and expression and allows students to vary the methods of response and navigation. Students have the choice to type in answers on their own or they can can go to the word bank to get ideas. Also, CLicker 5 builds fluencies with graduated labels of support for practice and performance by having the option for students to have what is written read to them out loud. By having the students hear the sentences being read to them out loud, will model how a proficient reader is supposed to read

Solutions for Faculty Lesson

Solutions for Faculty Lesson Plan

Compare and Contrast UDL and AT?

          Universal Design for Learning (UDL) is a framework that seeks to make curriculum content from the very beginning available to the broadest range of students. This approach increases flexibility in teaching and decreases the barriers that prevent students from succeeding. For example, all students can read a book online that offer many opportunities to engage students in learning, but at the same time a student who struggles with reading can listen to the text being read to them on the same program. “UDL makes the curriculum accessible to a broad range of students, including general education students who are auditory learners, visual learners, or difficult to engage or motivate, as well as students with disabilities( Technology for Diverse Learners, pg.211). ” Students with disabilities are not singled out in a UDL curriculum, all students are provided with support to help them succeed. The support that one student uses can help another student in a different way.

        Assistive technology defined by IDEA 2004 as ” any item, piece of equipment, or product system, whether acquired commercially off the shelf, modified, or customized, that is used to increase, maintain, or improve functional capabilities of a child with a disability (IDEA 2004, Sec.1401 (1)(A)). ” Assistive technology is used only for one individual as compared to UDL which is design for everyone. Only one person benefits from assistive technology and the person has to have a disability. The need for additional assistive technology solutions for individual students is not needed in UDL classrooms.

Chapter 6 web

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